Welcome to JulieOps’s documentation!

Welcome to JulieOps documentation, in this site we recollected notes and guides to provide the beginners, but as well reference for the most experienced on implementing a gitops approach for operations in Apache Kafka.

Webhook events

Getting started

If you have landed in this page is because you aim to get started with JulieOps. To get you started we recommend:


To install JulieOps and enable your teams to use a gitops approach when managing Apache Kafka you need:

  • A CI/CD server, for example Jenkins, but any other will serve the purpose

  • A git repository where the Topology description will be stored

  • And for sure a Kafka cluster :-)

See the How to setup a full workflow (by example) section to learn more how to setup the required components to enable the full workflow.

if you already have this components, you can install the JulieOps agent:

  • As an RPM package for RedHat/CentOS linux distributions.

  • As a DEB package for Debian based OS.

  • As tar.gz source package.

  • As well in the form of a docker image, available from docker hub.

You always can self build this package, all information is available from here. Users can download the latest “official” release artifacts directly from the download page here.


If case you require any help regarding the usage or development of JulieOps, don’t hesitate to contact our gitter community. In the future, when there is the request we might as well create a mailing list or other method of communication that help people using this project.
